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This Ikoula to Cloudstack Collaboration Conference 2013

#CCCEU13. This is the twitter hashtag that you can use to get an idea of the atmosphere prevailing in Amsterdam, at the first conference on European soil on our cloud preferred namely Orchestrator CloudStack!

Ikoula absolutely had to be present, and as a Gold Sponsor of the event, we could appreciate the Organization, conferences, the atmosphere and above all the encounters made during 3 days (and 2 nights!).

It is often said that the world of Open Source is not or unstructured. Nothing is further from the truth. Could the confirmation on the first day, dedicated mainly to the collaboration, to the modification of the source code of project Apache CloudStack by 'official' committers and goodwill is being presented to the "room ice" of the Beurs Van Berlage in Amsterdam.

Several conferences have followed on subjects as various as the network, load balancing, installation, automation, cloudstack by the use of plugins or storage extension.

All this without forgetting, as stated Chip Childers, VP Apache Cloudstack project, at its keynote of introduction, that the CloudStack community is and must continue to put reliability, user, and user experience at the centre of the project.

Cloudstack stands so naturally other projects orchestration cloud api and web interface with both robust and feature-rich that it is very easy to adopt. With an as Orchestrator, the possibilities are fantastic, and while others balbutient, the actors Cloudstack, them, deploy and build all kinds of cloud solutions and especially put them into production.

If you want slides, videos pictures is here: http://eventifier.com/event/ccceu13/

to test the cloud ikoula-> http://express.ikoula.com/cloud-public