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The Gallic Ikoula Cloud crowned King of performance!

Ikoula is of n ° 1 the ranking of the performance of the Clouds (occupied 4 times in 2014), before the big Clouds such as Google or Amazon, thanks notably to the establishment of SSDS (Solid-State Drive) on our infrastructure.

< br / > the establishment of SSDS gives performance that are classified as "exceptional" by CloudScreener: "they [the results] are due to a global migration of the Ikoula platform to storage SSD." All Ikoula customers now use this technology without extra cost, while it remains a pay option from competitors", says Anthony Sollinger CloudScreener *.

< br / > indeed, and as we announced in the previous article, in our desire to bring our customers the best infrastructure and the best service, the establishment of SSDS for your public Cloud, private, or hybrid, causes no increase in tariff!

< br / > you will find the complete classification: http://www.journaldunet.com/solutions/cloud-computing/comparatif-cloud.shtml