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Private Ikoula CloudStack - Cloud solution product launch

Jules Henri Gavetti CEO of Ikoula, presents the advantages of CloudStack

Thursday, January 31, 2013, the Raj company officially presented its latest product: CloudStack.

CloudStack is a platform to create an IaaS public, private, or hybrid. Based on a brick open source, it is possible through CloudStack, to deploy and manage a large network of highly available and flexible Cloud private.

CloudStack brings all the "Stack" of the features requested by companies looking for an IaaS: tools of orchestration, NaaS, administration and management of users, a complete native API, and an accessible web interface.

Users can deploy their Private Cloud from a simple user interface, command line tools, or full-featured RESTful API. In addition, CloudStack brings an API compatible with AWS EC2 and S3 for businesses that want to deploy cloud hybrid. Ikoula company (IES) offers a CloudStack Server manages by the 24/7 support teams. With it, it is possible to deploy a private Cloud on different geographical areas without limits: in data center IKDC1, and soon around the world.
The client thus masters instead of deployment of Cloud private, the latency between different machines and the billing because it is defined in advance.

More information: Demo videos: The press talking about: