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Green Business: Jules Henri Gavetti ikoula invited among precursors and innovative entrepreneurs CEO

ikoula Green Business
"In 2030, 5 billion people will live in cities. Cities grow faster and faster, consume more and more energy, water, and pollute as ever in history. This constraint led planners to think the city intelligently.
'Smart cities' global market was estimated at 520 billion dollars in 2011 and is expected to double in the next 5 years. Some cities such as Nice or Issy-les-Moulineaux have become laboratories for experimenting and designing models of what will be the city of tomorrow. To this end, it will be more necessary to collect datas Big on energy consumption and transportation. Internet will play a key role in the transmission of information from the home to the operator and the computers will run at full speed"Patricia Lawrence of Green universe.

Computer networks will therefore be a determining factor in the construction of these 'smart cities'
and some companies have understood.

Ikoula is part of this process by offering of Green servers to customers seeking to have a responsible consumption. But above all, as explained by CEO Jules Henri Gavetti, Ikoula is a company that has incorporated energy conservation in its internal protocol by promoting the thermal exchange between the outside and inside the buildings and the treatment of waste.

What is so offers it Green at Ikoula?

Ikoula offers servers to the Green designation, to low consumption, advantageous for clients because less greedy energy and therefore less expensive. Moreover, subscription to this service allows customers to affix to their site internet eco label for evidence of their approach to the environment. Noting that 52 percent of the French consider the respect for the environment as a criterion of choice in their purchases, membership in this program can be beneficial.

Under Server Green, carried out energy saving lies between 10 and 15%. Virtualization of data i.e. the Cloud, is equivalent to an energy saving around 80% on a computer Park of hundreds of servers. For the customer, toward an active provider in green hosting, the gain is immediate to the level of its costs.

Control of costs being the main engine of our current economic model, Jean-Pierre rich President of consultancy in efficiency for businesses, explains that there are many levers to reduce consumption in data centers. The heat recovery, air conditioning control or the conduction of hot and cold tickets are a few solutions.

Sunday, December 23, in the Green Business program, Nathalie Croisé received: Patricia Lawrence of Green universe, Jules-Henri Gavetti President of Ikoula, Ludovic Tassy DSI of Alain Afflelou, Jean-Pierre rich President of Okavango, Jean-Claude Roessingh Director General of Carbios and Gerard Christmas Vice President Director-general of the UDA on BFM Business.

Ikoula on Plateau Betty