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A VM with 1 click? It is possible in the Cloud Ikoula!

To Ikoula Cloud still n ° 1 from January 2015 ( classification performance of the Cloud of Journal du Net), launched the "ONE CLICK" of your instances in SSD deployment. Available from your customer extranet.ikoula.com, it is possible to create its VM in under 30 seconds and especially in 1 click!

To deploy your instances in ONE CLICK and in less than 30 seconds, connect the interface client extranet.ikoula.com to with your login:

  • Select characteristics of your VM then "click on create my instance"


  • a blue box appears and tells you that the creation of your VM is underway


  • less than 30 seconds longer before your VM is created and ready for use.


  • start creating your VM now and enjoy the many benefits of the Extranet Ikoula, follow consumption of your live instances, and manage them in an intuitive way (start, stop, upgrade, DNS management, destruction and restoration)


for advanced configurations your CloudStack interface remains available: firewall rules outgoing, rules of load balancing, add an ISO. templates... the technical interface Cloudstack is placed at your disposal. It allows to deploy on all other advanced areas (Z1 and Z2 in Advance routing). Note that all VMs deployed will instantly be on your space client extranet.ikoula.com.

For more information regarding your Cloud platform, see:

* available in Z3 basic - Direct routing with public IP