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Ikoula continues its development and deploys its Cloud to the international

specialist in the computer hosting, dedicated servers and the french Cloud, for more than 17 years announces its development internationally. Our Cloud is no. 1 in terms of performance the Cloud Cloudscreener/Cedexis classification * for the 5 e times running since January 2015, and is now available on all continents Asia (Singapore) and American (Florida).


Gauls convinced since its inception, we now extend our field of investigation with the opening of the Asia zone with the help of partner Singtel in Singapore, and America in Florida. The extension of our services allows us to accompany you at the international guaranteeing the same level of performance.

among the other benefits of our Cloud Gallic, presents many advantages: SSD-equipped, compatible with other infrastructure Cloud (EC2 APIs) and unlimited traffic. Always with associated services that make up the DNA of Ikoula, namely: the quality of its infrastructure, the 24/7 support and client support.

'this new service responds to the needs expressed by many of our customers. It is already several months it is experimentation with "beta testers". The test phase proved to be conclusive, all infrastructures are in place and it works perfectly. This deployment is a first step towards one succession of others, indeed we plan to extend to countries such as the Germany, the Switzerland and the Luxembourg. "says Jules-Henri Gavetti, founder and CEO of Ikoula.

* ranking of the performance of Cloud by CloudScreener / Cedexis dated the month of April 2015 , to read on the Journal du Net.