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Ikoula in space, far above the Cloud...

Ikoula dans l'espace

The next Ikoula DataCenter will be in space, far above the Cloud...

The Gauls host, recently ranked No. 1 for the performance of its Cloud, is feeling grow wings. Indeed, the company has announced work on a project of Data Center space, allowing him to reduce its production of energy devoted to cool its servers.

"the problem of departure was to keep our data in France, explains Raj Belouizdad Director Marketing of Ikoula, we are already owners of our DataCenters Reims and picard, and we wanted a place with a low temperature without compromising the security of our data."

It is by watching the American blockbuster "Interstellar" that response appeared to this visionary cloud.

"as the hero of the film, the solution for us was to leave the planet to enjoy a neutral area, which offers an ideal temperature for servers."

This ambitious project is not without pitfalls, indeed, the technicians responsible for machines must pass the same tests of preparations astronauts in order to maintain the servers of the future DataCenter in orbit.


"it is a challenge, but we are ready to raise" agreement Reda Belouizdad." We have also already established partnerships with companies to prepare for the Russian space travel."

We hope therefore that the data hosted at Ikoula, bon voyage.