The Docker-compatible Ikoula Cloud

reportage ikoula france 3

our Cloud, recently rewarded in the category best Service Infrastructure Cloud in EuroCloud trophies, is now compatible with Docker!

Why Docker?

This new compatibility advantages are numerous:

  • containers support enables interoperability of applications between different environments, another Cloud or a physical machine for example, so you're more caught up in a single environment.
  • Very fast deployment of an application 'dockerisée' in our Cloud image facilitates and accelerates greatly the rocking of a pre-production environment, test or development to a production environment.
  • Docker allows to isolate applications in different containers for more security but also to better manage the limits of consumption of resources of the containers all applications for intensive impact not others.

Our Director R & D, Joaquim Dos Santos, adds 'the Cloud Ikoula integrates naturally Docker and CoreOS to offer the maximum of opportunities to its customers. "These applications can now create its own Cloud with its own rules within the environment Ikoula. '

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