We are once again the best in The Netherlands!

In the evening of Wednesday March 30th the ICTWaarborg Awards were handed out during a festive ceremony at The Harbour Club Amsterdam. Ikoula Nederland won the award of best webhoster of 2016 in the category of business service providers. Previously known as Ermis, it’s the third time the company win this price.


Opening of our subsidiary Ikoula Nederland

We are proud to announce the acceleration of our international expansion with the opening of our first subsidiary in the Netherlands, Ikoula Nederland.
This acceleration results in the acquisition of 100% of the capital of the Dutch host Ermis, a leader on the Dutch hosting market received consecutively in 2014 and 2015 the Award ICTWaarborg * of the "Business Service Provider of the year". The company has 4 600 active customers among SMEs/TPE and public-sector customers


Ermis becomes Ikoula Nederland, subsidiary of the French hosting leader Ikoula

We are proud to announce that we are now part of Ikoula, a French hosting provider, and we will now call ourselves Ikoula Nederland. In France, Ikoula reach the first place of the Cloud performance ranking* above the biggest global providers, and received the EuroCloud Trophy of “Best Service Cloud Infrastructure” for the year 2015.


[Security News] Fault LIBSSH CVE-2016-0739

February 23, 2016 a libssh flaw was discovered.

That allows?

Due to a bug of confusion between bits and bytes generated secret key may be much shorter than it should (128 bits instead of 1024 or 2048).
This flaw is easily exploitable but it would decrypt a ssh session.

Since when does it exist?

All versions since the 0.1 are concerned.

How to fix the?

-Change the key authentication method.
-Put update libssh.

[Security News] Fault in the library GLIBC CVE-2015-7547

On 18 February 2016 the fault Ghost remade speak of it, a new way to exploit has been discovered.
The library managing the DNS resolver which is part of glibc is vulnerable to a buffer overflow (buffer overflow) when the bookstore getaddrinfo() function is used.
Software using this function are vulnerable if they question domain names or servers DNS controls by a third party or to a "man-in-the-middle" attack.

.Vin and .wine extensions are available! Champagne!

Because a Reims hoster must celebrate its terroir, Ikoula offers extensions .vin and .wine in phase Sunrise today!

The Sunrise will end on 16 January. You must be in possession of a record from a TMCH (brand depot) to be eligible to participate.

After the Sunrise phase, it will be the turn of the Landrush 3 days, from 24 to 27 January, with a rate more. student

Finally, the General opening will be January 27 at 17:00 (Paris time) at the rate of € 61 / year.
