Ikoula presents its Cloud Hybrid Toolbox to easily migrate your servers in the Cloud!

We announce the implementation of Cloud Hybrid Toolbox, a place of market based on application UShareSoft UForge centre, which allows to create server images and more easily migrate them into the Cloud Ikoula or any other Cloud. This interoperability avoids the situation of "Lock-In", i.e., the incompatibility of forcing applications to remain stuck in the same Cloud.

The benefits of the Cloud Hybrid Toolbox:

  • A catalog of existing applications
  • migration of servers in autonomy
  • the interoperability and the reversibility of the applications
  • control the software environment
  • compatibility cross-platform (AWS, Google, Azure, VMWare, OpenStack...)

First available for customers Cloud public Ikoula, we will expand the Cloud Hybrid Toolbox in other hosting offerings later this year.

Choose the formula that suits you best:

  1. Pack discovery at €49.99 / month
  2. Pack Starter €99 / month
  3. Pack Plus € 149 / month

test it now: 1 month offered on the discovery Pack!

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