The Cloud Ikoula free for 6 months! *

For this autumn 2015, the Cloud Ikoula is free for 6 months for the first 100 subscriptions! Be among the first to benefit from its many advantages.


new areas

Alert type phishing SPAM, be careful!

What is it?

Since several days of posing as legitimate invoices and emails appear to come from trusted senders are sent to all Internet users, warning these email contain little - be a virus and their purpose is to infect your computer.


This e-mail arrives through some spam filters and contains a virus as an attachment.

The Docker-compatible Ikoula Cloud

reportage ikoula france 3

our Cloud, recently rewarded in the category best Service Infrastructure Cloud in EuroCloud trophies, is now compatible with Docker!

Why Docker?

This new compatibility advantages are numerous:

Ikoula won trophy EuroCloud best Service Cloud infrastructure

reportage ikoula france 3

the french host, N ° 1 in terms of performance the Cloud Cloudscreener/Cedexis classification *, comes to be rewarded this Friday, July 10, Board of EuroCloud trophies at the Palais Brongniart in Paris. This award marks the recognition of the excellence of the private Cloud services offered by the host as well as the expertise of its teams.

A VM with 1 click? It is possible in the Cloud Ikoula!

To Ikoula Cloud still n ° 1 from January 2015 ( classification performance of the Cloud of Journal du Net), launched the "ONE CLICK" of your instances in SSD deployment. Available from your customer, it is possible to create its VM in under 30 seconds and especially in 1 click!

Ikoula continues its development and deploys its Cloud to the international

specialist in the computer hosting, dedicated servers and the french Cloud, for more than 17 years announces its development internationally. Our Cloud is no. 1 in terms of performance the Cloud Cloudscreener/Cedexis classification * for the 5 e times running since January 2015, and is now available on all continents Asia (Singapore) and American (Florida).
