Cloud Ikoula

Use of Apache Libcloud within Cloud Ikoula

Introduction to the use of apache libcloud within your cloud ikoula.

That is what libcloud?

Apache Libcloud is a python library open source under the Apache 2.0 license. It allows to interact with a lot of cloud services provider, using a unified API.

It was created to facilitate the life of the developers who want to create applications compatible with various cloud services that the library currently supports.

Open World Forum - Interview with Jules-Henri Gavetti on CloudStack

On the occasion of the exhibition Open World Forum in Paris on 3, 4, 5 October 2013, Jules-Henri Gavetti moderated the conference "CloudStack ™: interoperability between different clouds".

If you were not able to attend, watch interview with Jules-Henri Gavetti:

Good advice from Thursday: test CloudStack Intances!

The good advice of the day: test The Cloud Public of Ikoula and learn how to create and deploy Cloud audiences freely!

With The Cloud Public of Ikoula, users benefit from a pre-packaged making them available to offer: 1 router to 10 Mbps, 1 Load Balancer, 1 Firewall with 100 rules of translation of ports and 1 shared public IP address. Available under Linux and Windows, the user is then free to add its instances (up to 20) on a model "pay per use".
It is possible to configure its Cloud (up to 10 templates, 40 snapshots and 30 virtual disks) from a full web interface.