Private Ikoula CloudStack - Cloud solution product launch

Jules Henri Gavetti CEO of Ikoula, presents the advantages of CloudStack

Win Hanif fish our Techdays 2013 session!

Ikoula will be exhibiting at Techdays 2013. There surprising for a Microsoft Gold Partner?

We will present on this occasion a session "Ikoula accompanied SMEs in their growth - Workshop with client testimony Tuesday, February 12 from 13: 00 to 14: 00 for intermediate level. Presentation of an SME hosted within Ikoula. "Accompaniment, advice and reactivity: the keys to success to successful collaboration". Feel free to register!

For this special event organised by our Microsoft partner, we offer small fish Ikoula.

The idea is simple, likez the following button: < iframe src = "/ / & send = false & layout = button_count & width = 450 & show_faces = true & action = like & colorscheme = light & make & height = 21 & appId=265028606881370" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:450px; height:21px;" allowTransparency="true">
The 1st, 10th, 20th, 30th etc. liker will receive a small fish Ikoula that we still have pleasure to offer you.
Try your luck and vote for your favorite provider...

Green Business: Jules Henri Gavetti ikoula invited among precursors and innovative entrepreneurs CEO

ikoula Green Business
"In 2030, 5 billion people will live in cities. Cities grow faster and faster, consume more and more energy, water, and pollute as ever in history. This constraint led planners to think the city intelligently.
'Smart cities' global market was estimated at 520 billion dollars in 2011 and is expected to double in the next 5 years. Some cities such as Nice or Issy-les-Moulineaux have become laboratories for experimenting and designing models of what will be the city of tomorrow. To this end, it will be more necessary to collect datas Big on energy consumption and transportation. Internet will play a key role in the transmission of information from the home to the operator and the computers will run at full speed"Patricia Lawrence of Green universe.

Computer networks will therefore be a determining factor in the construction of these 'smart cities'
and some companies have understood.

Ikoula is part of this process by offering of Green servers to customers seeking to have a responsible consumption. But above all, as explained by CEO Jules Henri Gavetti, Ikoula is a company that has incorporated energy conservation in its internal protocol by promoting the thermal exchange between the outside and inside the buildings and the treatment of waste.

What is so offers it Green at Ikoula?

Retrospection 2012 - the best moments at Ikoula feedback

This year 2012 was eventful for Ikoula, small-sized and always growing ambition. This optimistic and positive vision helped Ikoula teams all work successfully throughout this year.

This year was marked by two key words: innovation and expansion.

Innovative products such as FlexiCloud and iKeepinCloud are complemented existing ranges, designed to cover the needs of all type of users, whether they are students, computer enthusiasts, independent, TPE, SMEs or large accounts. Our teams are mobilized to meet the various expectations while optimizing continuously entitled client supports to assist users in the deployment and adjustment of their benefits.
2012 was also the year of the cloud. Our star iKeepinCloud product has been revamped and online storage has become unlimited. iKeepinCloud and FlexiCloud have been a hit with users.

Since may, 2012, Ikoula embarked on the French market in dualisant his site with complete in English translation and the prices in pound sterling This expansion is only in its infancy and the year 2013 announces a more intensive launch in the European market. Ikoula did not finish surprising you!

The end of the world seen by Ikoula - chronic

ikoula photo cloud Since a few months short noise on the end of the world, this subject has become the favorite teasing in coffee break, lunch, or during the meetings of families and friends. Initially we prefer to say that every two years a clever taking to a prophet just stirring up trouble in a monotonous world, structured, programmed. And there, at the approach of the holidays, period where people earn a bit of compassion and gaiety, they came to say that it would be maybe time to do a good deed, reach out to a poor, make a donation to the restaurant of the heart, a smile to an old nearby that are crossed every day but that we never had time to talk , car so goes the life.

Ikoula CEO and his faithful companion in travel business in China

ikoula photo cloud As you may have seen on our news Twitter, Ikoula CEO Jules-Henri Gavetti and his small companion travelled to China last week. The program was loaded.

During a visit to the Embassy of France in Beijing, our orange fish completely ended up in this joint setting, he asked to jump into a glass of water to feel at home in Boulogne-Billancourt.
Then an inspection of DataCenters at Huawei Technologies ICT Leader in Beijing.
After enjoying the warmth of DataCenters and very cordial exchanges with Chinese, Ikoula leaders was received on a red carpet at the European Business Centre of China optical Valley. He was accompanied by the founder of Siveo Guillaume Lassare, the manager associated with Optiva Capital Sube, founder of Structure Computation macho Raphael Bellec, Sales & marketing manager of Secure IC Charles Thooris.
French companies have been enchanted by this hospitality and benefited from this business trip to taste Chinese culinary much appreciated here in France, before a Mongolian pot. And for once, even fish Ikoula dared chopsticks:-)
