
Ikoula is in the category "Excellent" of the ranking Decideurs 2017 for the section Best ESN Web host

The Decideurs Magazine ranking

The Leaders League group offers rankings based on a close-to-field analysis, based on qualitative criteria - specialty by specialty. The Leaders League rankings are a true qualitative collection of the best advice in a field of activity and / or a specific specialty whose nature is specified in the title of the rankings.

Techdays 2013 a grand cru to Ikoula

Present at the Microsoft TechDays 2013 at the Palais des Congrès, Ikoula was a resounding success with several thousand visitors at its stand and fish Ikoula sailing across the living room (4 000 fish and bags were distributed).

We wanted to thank all the 'Geeks' who came to us visit Clara Guénand, Maxime Lecourtois, and on our stand and all those who attended our presentations produced, given by the members of our team Raj Belouizdad, Yann flour, our CEO Jules-Henri Gavetti.
You were numerous to follow our news via our Youtube channel and our son Twitter Ikoula, Twitter. A thought for our faithful Twittos @MzermaAmine, @thehrisworld, @ManuSs8World, @WSi8ERanivo.

This event was the opportunity to share with you our expertise and the latest innovations in web hosting, virtualization, online storage and messaging and Collaboration. Our products appeal to you and we do our best to offer you solutions always at the forefront of technology with demonstrations designed to to best facilitate you the understanding and use.

Meetings-rich event ended in beauty on 14 February, with a visit to Xavier Bertrand, former Minister of labour, employment and health.
Rencontre entre Xavier Bertrand ancien ministre du travail, de l'emploi et de la santé et le PDG d'Ikoula Jules-Henri Gavetti Dernier jour des Techdays 2013 lors de la Saint-valentin

Win Hanif fish our Techdays 2013 session!

Ikoula will be exhibiting at Techdays 2013. There surprising for a Microsoft Gold Partner?

We will present on this occasion a session "Ikoula accompanied SMEs in their growth - Workshop with client testimony Tuesday, February 12 from 13: 00 to 14: 00 for intermediate level. Presentation of an SME hosted within Ikoula. "Accompaniment, advice and reactivity: the keys to success to successful collaboration". Feel free to register!

For this special event organised by our Microsoft partner, we offer small fish Ikoula.

The idea is simple, likez the following button: < iframe src = "/ / www.facebook.com/plugins/like.php?href=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.microsoft.com%2Ffrance%2Fmstechdays%2Fprogrammes%2F2013%2Ffiche-session.aspx?ID%3D7f3e5071-be6b-4cb6-bcd0-725b83b59917 & send = false & layout = button_count & width = 450 & show_faces = true & action = like & colorscheme = light & make & height = 21 & appId=265028606881370" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:450px; height:21px;" allowTransparency="true">
The 1st, 10th, 20th, 30th etc. liker will receive a small fish Ikoula that we still have pleasure to offer you.
Try your luck and vote for your favorite provider...

The end of the world seen by Ikoula - chronic

ikoula photo cloud Since a few months short noise on the end of the world, this subject has become the favorite teasing in coffee break, lunch, or during the meetings of families and friends. Initially we prefer to say that every two years a clever taking to a prophet just stirring up trouble in a monotonous world, structured, programmed. And there, at the approach of the holidays, period where people earn a bit of compassion and gaiety, they came to say that it would be maybe time to do a good deed, reach out to a poor, make a donation to the restaurant of the heart, a smile to an old nearby that are crossed every day but that we never had time to talk , car so goes the life.

Ikoula happy nominated UP to 2012 Cloud Computing Conference

ikoula stockage en ligne Ikoula is the only nominated french on some of the categories mentioned below the UP 2012 Cloud Computing Conference and thanks to your many votes, we are already operating in the Top 3 of the:
vote for IKOULA!