How can I protect against WannaCry?

WannaCry la nouvelle terreur d'Internet

WannaCry is the last recensed ransomware which has recently impacted more than 200,000 users in 150 countries. A ransomware is a malware that crypts your datas and asks money for giving them back.

The story continues between EuroCloud and Ikoula


Eurocloud is the European association which rallies several IT companies selling Cloud Computing services. Its purpose is to identify the future challenges of the sector and to protect those active in Cloud market. In the practice, it means partnerships and lobbying to improve their bargaining power.

After winning the 2015 trophy for the best Cloud service infrastructure, Ikoula just joined the EuroCloud France’s board. The CEO, Jules-Henri GAVETTI has joined the 14 others who make up that assembly. For many years, he has been very involved in his market sector and he has already led some great battles besides his major competitors. For example, he was one of the first to defend the CISPE project (Cloud Infrastructure Service Provider in Europe). That movement was designed to normalize an ethic hosting at a continental scale. Since its beginning, Ikoula has struggled for it and is now proud to be part of such a project.

Ikoula, in the last top 500 ranking of FrenchWeb !

Ikoula intègre le classement FrenchWeb 2017

The online magazine FrenchWeb has just published its 2017 ranking of the 500 first FrenchTech companies and IKOULA has showed up in it.

Made every year to collect and rate the French Tech companies according to their dynamism and their growth potential.

[Security news] Content injection vulnerability in WordPress 4.7.0/4.7.1

On the 1st of February 2017 a security vulnerabitity that allows a visitor to modify the content of a WordPress page has been dicovered.

How it works ?

An unauthenticated user can get additional rights by exploiting a vulnerability in the REST API and doing so is able to modify the content of any page of the vulnerable WordPress site.

Am i concerned ?

The REST API has been added in WordPress 4.7.0

The new pack IKL WordPress is available!

Our regular satisfaction surveys and the different testimonies of our clients have shown us that a very large majority of them uses the WordPress CMS on our Linux hosting. This is not surprising because WordPress is the most used opensource CMS worldwide.

We have published several articles on good practices to create and secure a WordPress site, but today we go further.


IIS on Docker thanks to windows server 2016


Last year we published an article about the compatibility between Ikoula and Docker.

Aiming at going forward with new technologies, Ikoula dev teams have ran tests on Docker and Windows server 2016 Technical Preview 5.

We are going to describe in this article how to deploy a Windows Server 2016 TP5 virtual machine with Docker and its usage.
